Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
MCMHB funds services for persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities with the intent to help them achieve their highest level of independent functioning possible.

Mental Health Challenges
Mental Health services funded by MCMHB are intended to assist individuals in regaining functionality lost or impaired due to mental health challenges.

Substance Use Challenges
MCMHB funds services that help prevent substance use challenges as well as those that assist individuals to enter into and sustain their recovery from the effects of using substances.
Our Supported Programs

Child & Family Connections #19
Early Intervention Child & Family Connections (CFC) is a statewide system that has been established to ensure that all referrals of children under the age of three receive a timely response by an initial service coordinator in a prompt, professional and family-centered manner.
Early Intervention Services are designed to help each child reach his or her individual potential. These services specifically address a child’s developmental delays or disabilities. Children who may be eligible for early intervention services have one or more of the following conditions:
Motor, intellectual, emotional or speech delays
Diagnosed disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy or Downs Syndrome
Conditions that put them at risk for developmental delays such as extremely premature birth.

Incorporated in 1974, Woodford Homes is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit, charitable corporation with the purpose of building, fostering, maintaining and operating quality, affordable housing for low-income persons with a mental disorder and those with a mental or physical disability.
Our organization supplies facilities and subcontracts with community agencies for building management and supervision. Woodford Homes, Inc. is guided by a seven-member board and contracts with the Macon County Mental Health Board for administrative support.

Woodford Homes Is an Affiliate of the MCMHB

Juvenile Redeploy Illinois Program
For more details, visit RedeployIllinois.com.
Juvenile Redeploy Illinois seeks to decrease youth incarceration in the Department of Juvenile Justice through evidence-based community programs that maintain public safety and promote positive outcomes for youth. In the State of Illinois, there are eight total sites covering 41 counties.
Macon County is a model program for Juvenile Redeploy Illinois because of the long-term involvement and collaboration of the service provider agencies.
Current agencies include the Macon County Mental Health Board, Macon County Court Services/Probation, and Old King’s Orchard Community Center.
Since 2005, participating counties achieved a 56% average reduction in commitments, with a total of 1,309 youth avoiding incarceration. Preliminary results of a cost-effectiveness study among four Redeploy sites point to a 14.2% reincarceration rate for Redeploy participants, compared to 57.4% among non-participants.
For every state dollar invested in Juvenile Redeploy Illinois in 2012, the state saw $9.06 in benefits.